Lit Engine FAQ

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Lit Engine.

What programming languages are supported?

Lit Engine's scripting language is Python, offering access to native modules and libraries. C++17 support is planned for future versions.

What level of performance can I expect?

Benchmarks are not yet available, but features like Frustum Culling and Auto-LOD are implemented. Expect further performance improvements.

Does it support Physics Simulation, Animation, or Multiplayer?

Currently, only basic physics simulations are supported. Animation and multiplayer are actively being developed for future versions.

What resources are available for learning and using the engine?

Documentation is available on our website, and a video tutorial is on our YouTube page.

What type of games might be well-suited for development with this engine?

Lit Engine currently focuses on 3D development. While 2D projects aren't yet supported, you can still create them using planes and orthographic camera mode.

Are there any limitations or specific areas where other engines might be a better fit?

As a Pre-Alpha project, Lit Engine may have limitations compared to more established tools. It might not be ideal for complex physics or large-scale multiplayer. However, its ease of use makes it perfect for beginners and smaller projects.

What platforms are currently supported?

Lit Engine runs natively on Windows and Linux. MacOS/Android support is coming soon.